Thursday, November 13, 2014

My name is Jessica Weyers and this is my Thrive experience!
I am 26, blissfully married, and I currently work overnights at an assisted living center.
Before I was taking Thrive, I was tired a lot. It was hard to workout, challenging to clean the house, walking the dogs seemed like a chore, plus I was spending $3/day on my favorite energy drink (sometimes I would splurge and get the more expensive energy drinks too). Then my Thrive-Family (Katie, Candace, and Cathy) talked to... me about how I could be financially successful and how positive Thrive would be for my body- I left that September morning with a 7day experince kit of Thrive.
Day 1: No change. Rome wasn't built in a day, but they worked on it everyday. I had read through some online experiences that sometimes it took people as long as 4 weeks to feel anything though.
Day 2: I had 0 energy. I could barely wake up. I slept almost all day.
Day 3: Shizam! I was zipping everywhere! The house was clean, errands were done, dinner was ready for my husband, I was jamming to music, workout done, and I felt great!
Now I am still Thriving! I do my 1,2,3 steps and have since added Boost. I still have amazing energy, no outside caffeine, I don't feel so hungry all of the time, my skin is much clearer, and I can do everything on my to-do list in a day!
As a promoter I am very focused on helping others achieve their goals with Thrive either by making them financially successful or showing them how amazing their bodies were meant to feel.
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