Saturday, November 15, 2014

My name is Chauntel Fritz-Zastoupil and this is my Thrive experience!
I am a 34 year old single mom of 3 AMAZING kids (ages 12, 8 and 6). I am a very busy mom and I homeschool my 12 year old.
I have been dealing with some health challenges that has affected my overall quality of life. I have aches, discomforts, no energy, lack of digestive health, mentally and emotionally stress, and I was not sleeping soundly at night. I was spending a lot of time on the couch and I was not playing with my kids. I was drinking 6-8 energy drinks a day just to muster enough energy to get through the few things I did do.
In October, I saw some Thrive posts on Gabi and Phillip Whittens facebook. I also noticed how genuinely happy they looked. So I went to the Le-Vel fan page on Facebook and read several experiences. I was blown away by what people were saying!! I knew I had to at least try Thrive, even if it only gave me my energy back I would have been happy! I contacted Gabi and Phillip and asked for more information.
They set up a 3 way call with them, myself and Jessica Wooster Fields. Any doubt that was lingering in the back of my head was gone after that call!! Gabi and Phillip sent me a 3 day sample, but patience is not a strength for me, so I got on Gabi's website, signed up as a promoter and placed an order. I figured I didn't have anything to lose! If Thrive helped me, I would be sharing it with everyone I know and if it didn't, well it was only a small amount of money I would be out.
I started my Thrive experience on October 24, 2014!
Day 1: I took 2 capsules with water before my feet hit the floor, 30 minutes later made my shake, put on the DFT and was done! I had more energy than I have had in a LONG time!
Day 2-7: Went pretty much just like day 1, but I noticed I was smiling more!
Day 8: AH HA!!!!!! This is what everyone is so excited about!! I felt AMAZING! I felt like myself again! I was singing and dancing while I drove around and ran errands! My cheeks and stomach hurt soooo bad by the end of the day from all the smiling and laughing!
That night I wrote a list of pros and cons to continuing Thrive. As I sat and thought about the previous 8 days, here's what I realized:
*I had only taken (1) 20 minute nap in 8 days (as opposed to daily naps of an hour or more)
*I had drank less than 1 energy drink a day (as opposed to my usual 6-8 daily)
*I had slept soundly all night since day 3.
*No digestion challenges since day 1
*I was drinking water daily (I used to only drink it when there was no other choice)
*My aches and discomforts were very minimal!
*My mood was AMAZING! I was not as short tempered with those around me! I was genuinely HAPPY!!
*I had lost some weight in those 8 days!!
These are the improvements I experienced in just 8 days!!
And let me tell ya guys, it keeps getting better and better EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
Thrive truly can and will do amazing things for any and every person who uses it! I started my Thrive experience just looking for some energy. What I got was my life back! My happy back! My kids got their Mom back!!
If you were sent to this page by someone who wants you to try Thrive, DO IT!! You truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain!!

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