Friday, November 14, 2014

I’m a busy young woman, working hard to feed my theatre passion and my checking account, so I always have lots going on. A 40+ hours-a-week job as a corporate trainer, or giving tours, grab quick dinner before running off to rehearsal for a few hours, go to bed, and repeat. Additionally, I have a wonderful man in my life, Nick, as well as two furry babies (cats) that need my attention too. Last year, I hit my wall. Ha...rd. I’d done eight shows in just over 10 months, plus the job—I was exhausted. I quit going to yoga and I quit going to the gym because it was “one more thing to do,” and with always being on the go, I’ve never been great at the balanced diet though I try to eat as “clean” as is financially feasible. Basically, overall negative stress effects, the result of which left me feeling like I was walking through a fog.
I saw my friend Teak start posting about Thrive, but didn’t give it too much attention. Then her husband Mark reached out and asked if he could have our emails as a favor. Then I saw more posts from both of them, so I finally broke down and asked what the heck was going on. We went to their house, asked a bunch of questions, and what finally sold me was the all natural approach Le-Vel has taken with premium-grade ingredients, not synthetic! I was also attracted to the product for it’s anti-inflammatory properties as my mother has some health challenges. So we bought a 3-day experience pack.
I felt “better” but didn’t notice too much until Day 3—I felt completely energized! I went to a yoga class, a dance class at the gym and a rehearsal, and still felt great at 9:00pm! In addition, I felt clearer, like the fog was lifting and was recognizing the positive effects of full nutrition.
Still, I wasn’t completely convinced, and was concerned about the cost. Ultimately, I decided that if I could fill the nutritional gaps for about $5 a day, I could afford that. I bought another 3 day pack and placed our order for a month supply, and a week later pushed the promoter button! I’m moving toward my positive and energized old self, and I just made it through another tech week and opening of a show with very little fatigue and no coffee!
I’m on week 6 and have no intention of stopping any time soon! Now I Thrive and repeat
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