Monday, November 10, 2014

Jennifer Morris Thrive Experience.

My name is Jennifer Morris and this is my Thrive Experience.

I got started on August 20th just 11 short weeks ago. Wow! How my life has completely changed. Before Thrive I was a worn down, tired, non-energetic, grouchy 27 year old single I knew something needed to change. I clean/organized 3-4 houses everyday. I would work so hard and feel like I was going nowhere. I would come home and be exhausted. I drank coffee in the morning and about 2 energy drinks every day to keep going. I was eating crappy food and drinking Dr. Pepper everyday.

Before Thrive I was struggling to pay the bills and then actually have money left to put in savings or be able to do fun things with my children. I worked my butt off and didn't feel like it was paying off.

Fast forward 11 weeks... I knew Dusty and Jay were on to something when she drove up in her brand new Lexus. I immediately asked what she was doing and became a promoter later that evening. If it was working for her it has to work for me too. I ordered my product before I ever started my experience. I trusted her.

Day 1- I could feel immediate energy & I didn't drink coffee.
Day 3- I had more energy, I didn't forget to call any clients back and I finished work early. Still no coffee.
Day 14-Whoa, this day was it for me. I was already sold, and had already hit both my VIP bonuses so of course I was sharing it with every person I knew. BUT I remember waking up before my alarm went off and thinking I slept so great last night. I got done with clients early yet again, and I didn't have to stop for energy drinks in between.

Since Starting Thrive I have had a better attitude, had so much clean natural energy, I stay on task and remember things I used to have to write them down. I have been able to supplement working so much that I can spend more time with our four children. (I am now engaged!) I am now feeling better than ever! I slept so soundly. I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Thrive has brought some amazing people into my life, put money into that savings I needed to rebuild and I've earned a new cadillac.

I hit both fast start bonuses, ipad Mini in 17 days, and hit 12K my auto bonus in 28 days! I have a rockstar team and together we have accomplished a lot! I even have a car bonus earner on my team! I share my Thrive experience with everyone where ever I go. I couldn't imagine my life without it. Now with 4 children I can keep up and be the mother and future wife I've always wanted to be! I want to help everyone Live the Life they deserve!

Thank you Le-vel!!

Le-Vel's photo.

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