Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I occasionally have some hip discomfort from when I hit the side of my mother’s car. I am also experiencing some emotional and mental stress due to conflicts between my family and my husband’s family.
Before all of this stress I was full of energy and loved to do things, like shopping, spending time with my family, taking my kids to the park, doing just about anything a mother loves to do with her famil...y. My physical health and wellness is not where it should be I have been drinking and smoking, spending time on the couch not really wanting to do anything. I also have been working through some bodily discomfort and headaches.
I started my Thrive experience over two months ago and I loved it, I shared part of my order with my mother so I only got to take it for 15 days, they were the greatest 15 days of my life, I had so much energy, I was enjoying my children and I was sleeping soundly, my discomfort in my back was slowly fading away. And then my 15 days were up and due to finances I didn’t have the funds to order anymore until the end of October, and during that month I was back to where I was before Thrive no energy, no motivation, aches and discomforts. I have since then received my order and I am on day 5 and I can tell you I will never again let that happen.
In the last 3 months since I started this program I wanted to have better health so I made a lifestyle change and I quit drinking, quit smoking, my husband and I are on a diet and I am enjoying life again, I will never go back to the way I was before, depriving my children of their mother has been my biggest failure, and I will never let that happen again. Treating my children like they are bothering me is NEVER going to happen again, no matter what.
I LOVE my THRIVE and hope to share it with the world, getting your life back should be enough for anyone to experience this product.
Thank you Level for giving me my life back.
See   http://mikebrookss.Le-Vel.com

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