Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Starla Scrivner and this is my Thrive experience.

Hi, my name is Starla Scrivner and this is my Thrive experience.
Oh my, how Thrive has changed my life! I firmly believe God guides us each day and sometimes leads us down paths that we would rather not go, but it is all part of his greater plan. On December 17th, 2012 (my birthday) my almost 21 yr. old daughter, Spring, left for Marine Corps boot camp. It was extremely hard for me knowing our visits with her would be few and far between for the next 4-5 years while she served our country.
However, we knew this was her dream and happy let her follow it. 5 months later, she was medically discharged with a serious injury. The next several months were even harder for me to watch as she struggled physically, financially and emotionally trying to get her life back on track.
In the meantime, my friend Sheila Fausone had messaged me several times about the Le-Vel business opportunity. I had been watching her and Mauria and their success on Facebook but I worked a very stressful, high demand, full time job and did not have the time nor the energy to consider starting a new business so I politely put Sheila off for 2 months. I was the girl who put a smile on every day because that’s what I had to do to get by, but I was not happy at all with where I was. My job provided for my family but I did not find joy in it at all. I actually hated it! I was sad on Sundays because it meant that Monday would come and I would have to spend 5 more days where I felt stressed, drained and way under appreciated. I was not able to utilize the leadership or social skills that God had blessed me with.
Then, the day after Christmas 2013, Spring came over and said, “Mom, I have to find away to better my health, lose weight and be happy again”. The light bulb went off and I knew we had to try Thrive!!! That day we both signed up as a promoter – It’s FREE so why not? – and we ordered our first month.
Day 1 – January 2nd, I’m a day one-er!!! Love the energy, super peppy and happy all day!
Day 2 – Woke up before my alarm went off at 5:30 am, again happy and ready to go. Wait, my husband Josh is awake too? He’s NEVER awake this early…..and talking! Hmmmm, this could be good!
Day 4 – The energy is off the chart! Loving that I’m craving water constantly and headaches are gone. I no longer need or want coffee all afternoon to get through the day and don’t crash on the couch at 8:00 PM!! Need to get this stuff for free!
Day 10 – Workouts are awesome (no knee discomfort), clothes are starting to fit better! I completely became a me that I had forgotten I could be. Bouncy, bubbly, smiley Starla was back (even at work) and I hadn’t even realized she was gone! I’ve tried tons of health and wellness products and supplements and never, ever noticed a difference in the way I felt before. I began sharing with friends via text messages and Facebook so that my husband and I could get ours free the following month. Before I knew it, I earned my bonuses AND my product for free. Really??? WOW…..time to start seriously thinking about this business cause this is great!
At about this same time, my daughter started feeling great, losing weight and being happy too!! So……I started aggressively sharing with anyone and everyone I could think of. I wanted ALL of my friends to Thrive and not just survive!! I earned my iPad mini, the auto bonus in 60 days, a trip to Cabo, plus started getting WEEKLY pay checks. My WHY changed from needing to help my daughter to needing to help myself get out of an 8-5 that was definitely not making me happy or letting me live up to my full potential.
Today – less than 10 months in – I’m still amazingly happy, healthy and it feels like I’m living the dream. I now work with Le-Vel full time along side my daughter, who also is a full time Thriver, and my husband who both also earned the auto bonus (What company does that??!!). There's nothing like working along side my daughter and watching her blossom and become an incredible leader and mentor to countless people across the nation. We are all in such a different place than we were before Thrive physically, financially and emotionally.
Even my 20 yr. old son is Thriving with us. The blessings are endless and even better are all the lives we’ve been able to touch and bless along with us. I’m so excited to say we have 16 auto bonus earners on our team alone and more to come this month! We had tons of our team members with us on the Lifestyle Getaway to New Orleans and will have tons more with us in Vegas! These products are like non other, the business model cannot be touched, the corporate leadership team is amazing and the relationships formed on a daily basis are so rewarding.
Touching lives, helping people find themselves again just by helping them feel better and sharing happy, positive energy……that’s what we do! I absolutely LOVE my Thrive life, my team and my Thrive family. We are all on one mission with the same passion – to help people live the life they deserve! If you haven’t tried Thrive yet, what are you waiting for? It’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made!!
I thank God every day for everything we had to go through to get to where we are right now.

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