Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"Helping Others Live A LIFE They Deserve"

My name is Jessica Fields and this is my Thrive Experience so far!
I am 31 years old, happily married to my Thrivin husband Shelby! We have two children Blake (8) and Sadie Beth (3) and Blake's service dog Ginger.
Before Thrive, I was struggling to get through the day with multiple Dr. Peppers. The weight was piling on. I spent every night doing anything but sleep, worried I would "mess up" in caring for my son with Type 1 (juvenile) Diabetes. It's a constant battle between and insulin since his pancreas stopped producing insulin 2 years ago.
It's emotionally, physically, and financially draining on the parents. When my friend Jessica Plemons was posting about Thrive, I would just keep scrolling, knowing I wasn't willing to spend any money on myself. I honestly had no idea how much my health was plummeting. Before Thrive, you would not catch me drinking water. Ever! Unless maybe I ran a mile... But no, you wouldn't see that either!
So long story short, Jessica got Shelby and I to a Thrive After 5 in our town. I didn't even want to go. She lives 2 hours away and wasn't going to be there, but I think it was fate! We just happened to have a babysitter that evening and my husband was we went!
Game-Changer? Being in a room full of Thrivers!
I wanted what these people had. They had energy, excitement, and huge smiles! I NEEDED that in my life. I had so much to be happy about but was incapable of enjoying it because I wasn't sleeping well, was feeding my body junk, and felt exhausted all of the time. We had the privilege to meet and hear testimonies from Mauria Dillard and Brett Stephens along with other local Thrivers.
We went home, signed up, and placed our order! We have never missed a day of Thrive and never will! It's amazing how great it feels when you fuel your body with the nutrition it needs. I have been thriving for 12 weeks and I'm down 21 lbs which is incredible, because I had lost 25 lbs before starting thrive and plateaued. This easy 1-2-3 system helped me break that barrier! I continue to notice new benefits of Thrive. I not only drink water now, but I CRAVE it and don't even have the urge to cheat with a sweet tea or soda anymore.
My mood is better and so is my husbands! We have the energy to do things together, we work out together and we are getting our kids to be more active, eat healthier, and put up those dang electronics!
The Thrive Experience is so easy, anyone can do it. Anyone can benefit from it. Give it a try and watch what happens! Big thanks to Paul and Jason for providing us with an amazing product and financial opportunity! We are so blessed to be part of Le-Vel!
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