Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Helping Others Live A LIFE They Deserve"

Hi, my name is Ashley Trudeau and this is my Thrive experience.
My sister introduced me to Thrive 2 months ago. I can honestly say it has changed my life.…
I have always been a very positive, motivated, and busy person. I am a mom of two little girls and a puppy basset hound, a wife and have two jobs not to mention trying to take care of a house that never stays clean. I was burning the candle at both ends.
When my sister asked me to try Thrive she told me it would help with my exhaustion. She gave me a 3 day sample to try out. I was one of the lucky ones who felt the results the very 1st day. I set my alarm 20 minutes before I actually had to get up and I took my capsules with a glass of water and went back to sleep.
When my actual alarm went off I was able to get right out of bed without hitting the “Snooze” button a bunch of times. By the time I got out of the shower I was ready for the day! I noticed the morning fights with my kids didn’t happen because I had more patience with the morning routine of grumpy girls before school. When I got into work I had two people come up to me to ask me what I was on because I was so chipper. I went through the day without an afternoon crash and even went to the gym after work!
I have been free from coffee and energy drinks for 2 months now and I have never felt better. I have a schedule for my life now which actually includes going to the gym a few times a week. I left one of my jobs and I'm starting to promote for Le-vel because I believe whole heartedly in this product.
I am home a lot more because one of my jobs used to be a direct sales company that included parties on the weekends. I am now able to work from home and spend time with my family.
I haven’t felt this good in years! Now it’s your turn!!

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