Friday, October 3, 2014


My DRIVE is helping other's THRIVE in LIFE!!!! SO KEEP CALM & THRIVE ON !!! ……   To be a promoter just click promoter at the top of the page it's FREE !!

My name is Darryl Dahl and this is my Thrive experience.
I am nearly 40, happily married (she tells me so), and have 2 kids (4 & 7). We also co-own a growing... supper club business.
I started Thrivin’ in May because I trusted my good friend Jaime when she told me she was experiencing amazing energy from Thrive. The long hours at the restaurant meant little energy left for my family and I was also having muscle and joint aches. Typically, nights home with the kids were “movie nights” and I would spend much of the time in my recliner or on the couch trying to catch a nap, elevate my feet or ice my back.
Day 1- Started Thrive on a Thursday as that was my day off which typically meant lounging and napping all day. Not this day! Before 11 a.m. my wife and I had cleaned the house together PLUS I cleaned off my dresser (finding receipts over 2 years old at the bottom), straightened up my closet and organized under the bed. Instead of our usual family nap, we spent the afternoon doing household chores while the 4 year old napped. The evening was spent running errands with the family, putting the kids to bed, wrapping up chores (rather than crashing on the couch) and finally deciding we should go to bed even if we weren’t tired.
Well, immediately after more research since I still didn’t believe Thrive could be everything I was hearing it was. I was convinced after Day 2 that Thrive was everything it was cracked up to be and I was going to tell the world. We were sold and ordered immediately. I also signed up as a promoter. The 1st person I shared the experience with was my mom. I wanted her to feel as wonderful as I did!
5 months later I am still learning about the benefits of Thrive and loving my experience packed with all day energy, relief from aches, amazing recovery from strenuous activity and some great side effects like a cleaner house, better sleep, and reduced snoring (my wife’s favorite). I’ve decided to move on from the restaurant and dedicate more time to family using my energy for Cub Scouts, helping train/coach my kid’s sports and just play more! My wife and I are training for our 1st 5K later this month and planning a mud run in the spring.
I am entering my 5th month of Thrivin’ feeling better than I have in 20 years with a clearer vision of my future and more focus than ever before.
Thank you Jaime, and thank you, Le-Vel!

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