Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Le-Vel HELPING other's THRIVE in LIFE !!!!!

My name is Velora Dutton and this is my Thrive experience!
I am 45 with a blended family of 6 grown children and 15 grand kids, and this is my Thrive story.
I never thought I would be here where I am today, and I am so thankful that Stephanie Kott introduced me to Le-Vel.
A few months before I had a dream that I was talking to God and He said that I should be a photographer. I was always taking pictures of my 15 grand kids and people noticed my talents and God knew that was my passion. In our conversation I told God that I didn't have a camera and all He said was "trust Him." So after that dream, I wondered how I would even find the energy to be a photographer, and how could I afford to purchase a camera and remember feeling disgusted with myself.
Soon my daughter Amber gifted me a camera and others gifted me lenses and family gifted me props. I just needed the energy and the courage to go for it!!!!
Fast forward a couple of weeks after Stephanie sent me my three day sample and it was still sitting on my counter....... I received another message from her asking how I liked it and so I promised I would try it the next day. Well, there was no need for her to contact me again, I was contacting her because the next day, after I took my two capsules on an empty stomach before my feet hit the floor, then thirty minutes later mixed my lifestyle shake, and put my DFT on, I knew there was something special about this product. I called her!!!!
So let me back up again, You see, I lost my 18 year old daughter to a drunk driver 6 years ago this October 14th. She was the best part of me and she was gone. I pretty much had checked out!!! She would have gone to Tech and would almost be done with law school right about now. She lived life to the fullest and expected everyone else to do the same.
I have been dealing with NO energy. No ambition. I forced myself to go to church and other places I didn't really want to go, and even forced myself to get ready. I gained over 100 lbs and had some challenges that caused discomforts. Exercise was out of the question!!! I wasn't living my life to the fullest. I knew my daughter wouldn't have ever wanted to see me like that.
But then Fast forward:
Day 1: I was out of bed and it was a good clean energy. No jitters! And I smiled as if I knew my daughter was smiling with me. I even think I was pleasant to be around to those around me, lol. I called Stephanie and said "what do I need to do?!!!!"
Day 2: I felt like a new person, a new photographer, ready to use my gift that God gave me for His glory!!! I got my camera out and started shooting.
Day 3: I lost 5lbs, holy cow! I had energy and no nap needed. I was out living life! I found me again! She was in there all along!
I remember praying for God to help me find the energy! He answered my prayer!
So I have been on Thrive for over 8 weeks and I have lost a significant amount of weight. I noticed I have muscle tone and my hair is getting thicker and healthier everyday. My skin is better, I sleep amazing with good rest to wake up refreshed. I don't know how many inches I have lost, but I know I went from a size 24 to a size 14!
I have energy with no more long naps! I can do homework with my 8 year old granddaughter without losing my cool. If anyone does homework with children well you know what I'm talking about! Plus I am walking two miles at a time and enjoying Zumba and any other exercise program I can do.
I have helped my family by introducing them to Thrive and earned my vip800 and earned my mini iPad!!!http://mikebrookss.Le-Vel.com/ 

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