Thursday, October 9, 2014

My DRIVE is helping other's THRIVE in LIFE!!!!

My name is Elizabeth Terrel and this is my Thrive experience.
I am 35 years old, a mom of 2 very busy girls 9 and 12, a wife to a wonderful husband and work full time as a Chef.
My days before Thrive consisted of me waking up and hitting snooze a few times before rolling out of bed, sluggishly going to make a pot of coffee and then getting the girls up and going. I would be rushing around trying to get them breakfast (most of the time eating cereal in the car) finding homework, athletic gear, or dance bags depending on the day and back packs then flying out the door in hopes that we would get to school before the bell rang!!!
All while trying to drink as much coffee as possible to get me going. Then I would drive to work with my full cup of coffee and a small thermos of coffee to refill on the way. If I had time I would stop at the nearest coffee kiosk and order an iced quad shot, S.F. hazelnut Latte ($5.60) I would get to work and have 2 or 3 more cups throughout my morning!!!!
I work in a fast paced job and am constantly busy and moving, kneeling, bending and lifting. Working on my feet for 8 to 12 hours with no breaks or short breaks, being a Chef is a crazy profession and I would be exhausted by the end of my work day. I would pick up my girls run them to their activities, come home and take a nap. When my husband would come home he would usually find me in bed. I would get up, make dinner or not want to cook and order pizza or junk for dinner, then watch T.V. I would fall asleep and start the madness all over again!
I had gained a lot of weight from my un-healthy lifestyle I was living. Was feeling bad about the way we were eating and not taking care of ourselves. I thought about it a lot, and decided we needed a change! That was on a Sunday, I went through our pantry and loaded 3 huge bags of junk food and got rid of it!
The next day I saw a post that my friend Keri Myers had put on her Facebook page, offering samples of something called Thrive. It mentioned more energy and a side effect being weight management, I thought I am so exhausted all of the time and would love to lose some of this extra weight it sounded too good to be true, but thought it's just a sample so why not try it. I am so thankful I trusted her and tried it!!!
Day 1. I took the 2 capsules when I woke up after hitting snooze repeatedly then 20 minutes later , 1/2 shake in the on an empty stomach, I was expecting to feel nauseous from the capsules, but I felt good. I didn't really notice anything day 1. I did only drink 2 cups of coffee though so that was a good change.
Day 2. I woke up with my alarm and hit snooze once, took my capsules, and 20 minutes later the life style mix, and drank one cup of coffee on my way to work, and lot's of water all day long.
Day 3. I woke up before my alarm went off! What that never happens, what is going on here!!! I took my capsules, shake and put on the DFT. I drank 1 cup of coffee on the way to work, had lot's of energy throughout my day, felt AMAZING!!! Went home and didn't take a nap, cooked dinner, then went for a walk!!! I felt so good, I called Keri and told her I was in, how do I get more!? She told me how to order then mentioned if I promoted or referred 2 customers I could earn my product for free every month!!! I thought why not, I had never promoted anything or tried selling anything before but thought I need to get more people to try this so they can feel as good as I do!!!
My husband noticed a huge change in me in just a week, he decided he wanted to try it also. We have been thriving together for about 8 weeks, I'm down 14# and he is down 18#!!!! We have energy at the end of our day to get stuff done around the house, go for a walk and make a healthy dinner. No more naps! I have cut back to 1 cup of half-caff coffee a day!!! I am more organized in my thoughts, our mornings have calmed down, I wake up before my alarm, get everyone out the door on time and no more cereal in the car!
I have earned my 4k rank and hope to hit 12k this month, I love helping others live the life they deserve, the bonuses have been great, and the free product.
The best part is when my 9 year old told me how happy she was because I could be her mom again because I had enough energy to play with her!!!
I am so blessed to have found Thrive!

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