Saturday, October 18, 2014

My name is Holly Arnold and this is my Thrive experience!
My name is Holly Arnold and this is my Thrive experience!
I am a 30 year old wife and stay at home mom of two girls, Bella (4) and Lexi (9). My Thrive experience started back at the end of July. I had been seeing my friend Kayla Luckey posting on Facebook for a couple of months about this Thrive stuff. I was honestly about to remove her from my newsfeed so I didn't have to see it anymore.
After seeing how much energy she was constantly posting about, I decided that I was tir...ed of being tired and reached out to her instead of removing her from my newsfeed. I am 30, my health is not going to get better if I continued what I was doing. Even though I had reached out to her, I was still skeptical as to if it would work for me. I had tried everything it seemed like, just like a lot of other people have. After talking it over with my husband, a couple weeks went by and I finally decided to order.
I want to give you some background on my health. I have been dealing with aches and discomforts in my back. I also have a female health challenge that makes it hard for me to lose weight.
I was one of those lucky people that felt it right away on day 1. I felt like I could run 180 laps around the block and still have energy for the rest of the day. I get out of bed easier physically and I'm ready to get up in the morning. I have the energy to go all day long when before sleeping was the better option and how can you do that with kids.
I have been working out 3-4 days a week and building muscles, which wouldn't have happened before Thrive. My general aches and discomforts have diminished considerably. I have lost 13 pounds and dropped at least 1 dress size. I don't like to go clothes shopping for myself so I'm not sure on the dress size, but a pair of pants that I bought a few weeks ago are big on me now.
I think I sleep better than a baby now...I've had a couple so I can say that. I always envied my husband for being able to lay down and fall asleep right away. THAT is me now! My head hits the pillow and I am out! I feel more confident about myself and I just plain feel better all around!! I feel like I now have the ability to take control of my life and get healthy for my husband and girls!! THEY are my WHY!
I decided to give Thrive a try to get the energy I needed, but I got so much more than that! I love how Thrive makes me feel and how it has helped me. I also love that it is three quick steps in the morning (the Lifestyle Mix is delicious, by the way) and you are set for the day. I also take the Thrive Plus Balance at bedtime. I am glad that I didn't ignore Kayla and I can't thank her enough for introducing me to this AWESOME product and company.
I am finishing my 8 Week Experience but this is not the end, it is only the beginning! I am a Thriver for Life!!
Thank you Le-Vel!

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