Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Leha Ward and this is my 4 week Thrive experience update.

My name is Leha Ward and this is my 4 week Thrive experience update.
On September 17, 2014 my friend Darla Quinn introduced me to Le-Vel and the 8 Week Thrive Experience. I'm so overwhelmed with the results, so much that I'm flustered and can't seem collect my thoughts. A little over a month ago I reached out to Darla; I was struggling both in business and in my personal life. It was all pilling up and I didn't feel like I could manage day to day.
I was tired and I was dealin...g with weight issues, and I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Honestly, I felt like I was losing grip on my mind and my body, I wasn't the happy, shiny person I used to be and it was affecting me personally and it was affecting my family life. I've always struggled with balance in my life and I felt like I had reached my breaking point. This is where Thrive came into my life, just in time.
On day one, I took 2 Thrive Woman's Lifestyle Capsuls before my feet even hit the floor, then 20 minutes later I made a Thrive shake and put on the Thrive DFT.
My first thought, was this is too easy, this really does seem like one of the those 'quick fixes' or 'too good to be true.' Within two hours of taking Thrive I cleaned my house for 5 hours. I walked a mile with a 116lb dog and a toddler and still came home to work till midnight. My energy was through the roof. I wasn't a zombie when I woke up the next morning and I actually fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.
Every day just got better and better. Week 1 I was down 9lbs and feeling unstoppable. I was so floored by the results I sampled out my entire 4 week program and ordered a promoter pack. I had NO intention of promoting the product however, Le-vel quickly won me over.
This experience is hard to describe but it's something that everyone needs to try. Even if you are in shape or simply need more nutrients in your life, or you need a natural energy boost, you need to experience THRIVE. I had no idea how good my body should feel. Now 4 weeks later I am down 15lbs, 2 pants sizes and 6" all over. I can't wait to see what will come over the next 4 weeks.
If you need some balance in your life see what 100,000+ people are talking about This 8 week experience is about to sweep the nation. In November Le-vel will be launched in Time Square and will be featured in Success Magazine as the fastest growing Home Based business that is ABSOLUTELY FREE to join.

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