Sunday, October 12, 2014 share your thrive !!!!!!

My name is Mandy Leach and this is my THRIVE Experience.
I am a wife, mother of a 19-month-old busy boy, and a Kindergarten teacher. After having my son, my energy level wasn’t the same. Sleepless nights, teaching 22 five and six year olds, and then coming home to be a wife and mother…yeah I was done at the end of the day! I would sit on the floor and would watch my son play, but was only half way engaged. My husband picked up the slack, which I am truly thankful for, but wasn’t fair to him either. I knew I needed a change.
I kept seeing posts from a co-worker, Kim Wood, and noticed how great she was feeling. I was tired of being tired so finally in April I asked Kim what this whole Thrive thing was about. She gave me a three-day sample and holy moly!
Day 1-I had energy like no other! I was able to make it through the school day without feeling like I needed a nap. I truly noticed the difference when I got home. I was actually ready to play with Graham and wanted to get chores done around the house. I was so excited about this product that I placed my first order as a customer that night!
Day 2-My colleagues were even noticing a difference and asking what was going on. I simply said, “Thrive.” I was still feeling amazing.
Day 3- This was the day that I knew Thrive was the real deal. Graham was up about two hours in the middle of the night and I just knew this was going to be a horrible day. I am a woman who likes and needs her sleep. I was amazed of how great I felt ALL day!
After about a month, I switched to promoter and was able to reach VIP 800, hit 4K in 30 days and earned my iPad mini…thank you Le-Vel!
Not only has Thrive given me the energy to be the wife, momma, and teacher that God has created me to be, but I don’t have knee or back discomfort anymore. What a great bonus!

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