Saturday, October 11, 2014

"Helping Others Live A LIFE They Deserve"

My name is Maureen (Mo) Turpin, and this is my Thrive experience.
I became a "Lifetime Thriver" on September 18, 2014.
I have had some health challenges that has affected my overall quality of life. I have also been dealing with weight gain, joint discomfort, and my emotions felt like they were being held together by unraveling threads.
I had lost my father to cancer in 2006 and had become the Legal Guardian for my mother who suffered from dementia. The amount of stress involved with overseeing her care was extremely high, so I put myself and my health on hold to take care of her. After she passed in May, I crashed...HARD! So exhausted emotionally and physically.
To help with my health challenges I did research on herbal remedies, plant extracts, and essential oils to name just a few. What I found was I could spent a LOT of money using a shotgun approach to trying to give my body what it needed to be back in balance!
In the beginning of September I was at my boyfriend's company BBQ and noticed a lime green square on Krisena Curry's arm. I had met her a few times at group functions, but we had not really had the opportunity to "get to know each other." It intrigued me so I asked her what it was. We spoke briefly as she enthusiastically shared about the Thrive Experience and how proud she was to be a part of a company that was "changing lives and making people feel BETTER"!
Enter "Skeptical Mo".....hmmm...sounded too good to be true. So off to the Internet I went looking for information about Thrive. What I found was that I couldn't find anything WRONG with it. In fact, as I learned about the DFT I was filled with respect and admiration for its creators. These are SMART "out of the box" thinkers!! The time release option is so much more in harmony with the body! It's like Le-Vel took everything that we know is GOOD for the body and put it all in one revolutionary, easy to use system! With a background in Marketing and Graphic Design, I was also impressed with with their "brand" and presentation. I KNEW this was a company I wanted to align myself with!
So I did what any casual acquaintance would do... and I stalked Krisena on Facebook! She immediately "friended" me and within days I had not only samples, but based on what she shared with me about the company and the compensation plan, I signed up to be a promoter! The idea of working from home and actually HELPING people to feel their BEST was the path that I knew in my heart every corporate job, bully boss, and my health had led me to.
I can tell you that now, at 56 years old, I feel better than I did 10-15 years ago! My discomfort is significantly less. I feel like ME again! I'm filled with "clean energy" no jitters, a clear head, a sparkling attitude, and as of this writing I am down 9lbs!
THANK YOU for creating a product that is bringing our bodies back into balance and allowing them to truly Thrive! It is my honor to get everyone I know Thriving too!

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