Saturday, October 4, 2014

My name is Javene Ballard and this is my Thrive experience!
I am in my 6th week of using the Thrive products. I have had some health challenges that included discomfort, aches, fatigue and brain fog.
I started Thrive on August 22 when my friend Barbara Trefren Mayer posted it on facebook for me. It came at the perfect time because I was having mental and emotional stress. I have tried a lot of natural products with minimal success. I did not get samples, as here in Boise we... had not heard anything about Le-Vel and Thrive. So decided to take the 8 week challenge.
On day one I felt an increase in energy, more than I had in forever. I am very busy as I am a bookkeeper about 30 hrs. a week, have a non-profit that is extremely busy this time of year. So my increase in energy was so exciting. Also my mental clarity was improved.
Day 2. Energy even more, and I felt my mental fog lifting. Was so thrilled with that. Felt very hopeful. With all the products I have tried they all seemed to work for a time and then stop. So was being cautiously optimistic. My aches were even less.
Day 3. I was feeling so good. My grown son was even noticing the difference. I felt like this was something that was going to change my life.
As the days have gone on, I have felt like I am getting me back. I am so grateful for these products, changing my life, and I want everyone to feel as good as I do. My family even noticed after a month I was looking different. So looking forward to the future. I became a brand promoter so I could share this with everyone.

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