Sunday, October 26, 2014

My name is Larisa !

My name is Larisa and this is my Thrive experience.
Before Thrive I was struggling with my day to day life. I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids ages 8 and 15 months. With my oldest in sports and school and my youngest at a very needy age. I was having a hard time keeping up with them as well as the household chores, even with the help of my fiancé. I felt groggy and run down. I didn't have the energy to motivate myself to get up and get things done. When the baby went down fo...r a nap, I wanted to lay down and rest. I needed to drink coffee every morning.
I heard about Thrive through my mom who started taking it and telling me about how much it made a difference in her as well as my grandma. I also saw my friend Teek posting about it and I finally started asking her questions and she got me to jump right in and order! I started promoting before I even got my Thrive because of how much of a difference I saw in my family and friend. I was excited to know that it was an all natural product and that was a if seller for me.
Since I have been Thriving (end of August 2014) I have felt an tremendous difference! The first day I started, I still made myself a cup of coffee, but I didn't even drink half!! I have energy all through out my day. I haven't had a headache. I now do a 3 mile power walk every morning after I walk my son to school (rain or shine, I'm prepared for the Oregon weather)! I have lost about 7 lbs since I've started my Thrive experience and I can feel my stomach getting smaller and tighter.
I don't even crave my coffee anymore, nor do I have the taste for sweets, sodas, or greasy fatty foods. I get up in the morning and take my Thrive and I'm ready to face whatever comes my way. I feel energized. I don't feel groggy, I feel alive and aware and able to focus on the important things in my life and my memory has improved! I can focus on what I need to focus on and not get distracted!
I'm excited to share my Thrive experience and look forward to hearing others testimonies on how it has made a difference in theirs life. I love that the lifestyle is an all natural product line, and that makes me feel empowered to share my story. Thrive is the real deal!
Get YOUR Thrive on!!!
Le-Vel's photo.

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