Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My name is Jackie High and this is my THRIVE Experience.
I learned about the THRIVE Experience through a girlfriend who had been raving all over Facebook about how fantastic she was feeling and sharing all about the amazing benefits she was getting through her experience. I watched her for a bit and then I reached out to her because for the last 6+ months I have been dragging ass (excuse my French, but that’s seriously how I was feeling).
At the time, I was already involve...d with another Direct Sales company and had ZERO intentions of walking away from it. So, when she mentioned the business piece it went in one ear and right out the other, but I was definitely looking forward to feeling better and gaining more energy.
Once a total morning person (like bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6 am kind of morning person), now I was waiting until the last possible minute to get out of bed in the morning. I was constantly late for work and missing workouts with my trainer ($60 a pop, ouch!), just so I could sleep in a little bit longer. So, as a last ditch effort I took her up on her offer to try a 4-day sample.
I started THRIVE, but not without reservation. I was really nervous to start the program because of the natural caffeine in the product, but I jumped in anyway.
Okay, back to my THRIVE Experience…
If I were to be completely honest, my first few days weren’t that great. I don't think my body knew what to do with all of this “good stuff” I just took.
Enter Day 4: BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE BABY – this was my day!! Zero jitters. No fogginess, just clarity. And, for the first time ever, I felt like I had plenty of time in my day to accomplish everything I set out to do (and more!!) – like I got more done in less time – crazy I know!! I was able to move through tasks quickly and the only thing I can attribute that to is the mental clarity I was receiving from my THRIVE Experience.
Oh, and remember how I said I wasn’t interested in the business?!?! Ya, that went right out the window! I LOVE this product -- what it’s doing for me and the people I get to share it with! I have NEVER felt this way about anything I’ve ever tried to share with other people – maybe that’s why other businesses never really took off for me. I have always loved the Direct Sales/Network Marketing business model and that’s why I’ve stayed in it for so long, but NOW I understand what they really mean when they say find a product you are passionate about, because you will want to share it with the WORLD!! And I do, and I will!
Today, 7 weeks later, I am sleeping harder and deeper and waking up feeling refreshed, alert, and ready to start my day. I’ve even woken up before my alarm clock goes off on a couple of different occasions!! I am getting to work on time and meeting my goals at the gym!
Overall, I just feel ALIVE!!! And, the best part is that I get to help others do the same!!!

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