Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My name is Julie Williams and this is my experience:
I have always been a busy and active person. I am a single mom of 2 teenage boys and I work a full time job outside the home. Like many others, we are a very busy family with work, school, sports, we are constantly on the go.
Before Thrive I wasn't sleeping soundly, I would go days with only 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night. I felt like a zombie most mornings, just going through the actions, hitting snooze several time...s and getting out of bed rushed every day. I also had some hip discomfort and would have get up slowly and take several slow steps after sitting for a long period of time before it would work itself out.
I had been seeing so many of my friends post about Thrive and even had several reach out to me, but I was one of the skeptical one's. I thought, nope, I don’t need that. So, I ignored my friends messages and tried fixing my nutritional gaps on my own, but let’s face it, being a working single mom, making your own meals 3 times a day 7 days a week in today's world isn't easy and I NEED easy. I’ve been a runner for several years and thought I could handle weight gain and stress through running. Truth is I’ve never lost any weight with just running and I had noticed the slow weight gain over the years.
Finally in July, my friend Alanna Didier sent me a 3 day packet, she sent me a message and said “trust me on this, you need to at least try it.” Personally I was glad she did. I started the following day and within minutes I felt awake, alert and ready to take on the day.
Day 2: I thought, is this stuff for real? It was a Saturday, I was up early getting things done around the house. I finally stained my bathroom cabinets, only 2 years after buying the stain! I had all day motivation and energy FINALLY!
Day 3: This is when I knew I needed this! I hadn't had a nap all weekend and I liked my naps. This day I cleaned my entire house and I posted and sold things on Facebook so I could buy my first month of Thrive and that was only the beginning.
Since starting my Thrive experience in July I have gone through so many changes. I have gained lean muscle, I have more energy, and I sleep so soundly at night. I find myself smiling more, I remember the first time I noticed this and sending Alanna a message thanking her. I've also been handling stress so much better and have such a positive attitude about things. My running has improved greatly, and now I’m able to run 13 miles and not have tired achy muscles the next day. 13 miles!!! In fact I’m going to train for my first marathon in 2015.
2015 is going to be the best year of my life and I can’t wait to experience each day of it!      E‬
Le-Vel's photo.
Le-Vel's photo.

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