Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My name is Dayna Hudson and this is my Experience.
Happy One Year Thrive Anniversary to Me!
Wow! What a difference a year can make!! Last January I was a struggling single mom, high school English teacher, and track/cross country coach. I was taking on every single extra job I could at school to keep one son attending law school and the other playing college football (full time athletes are not able to get jobs).
I was dealing with back discomfort and I was afraid that I would not be able to run again without feeling aches and discomforts. I went to TCU on a track scholarship as a sprinter. For most of my life running had kept me sane and confident. Through the horror of an unexpected divorce after twenty years of marriage, I learned to go for runs to keep my spirits up. When the back discomfort started I melted down, as a Christian I am ashamed to admit, I questioned God about why he was allowing everything to be taken from me. The “empty nest” had been very hard on me to face by myself. Lots of financial things were taken from me. A lot of pride was taken from me. After five years of divorce, I had met the greatest guy in the world.
I was afraid that some fun active times that dating couples should have could be taken from me if my back did not get better. Luckily, I have always had my faith to get me through the darkness that divorce throws in the face.
I saw a post on Facebook from a friend about Thrive alleviating her back discomfort. Furthermore, I began reading my friend Mauria Dillard’s posts about the physical and financial freedom she had discovered through Thrive. I trusted both of these girls, so I decided to try it. There’s no obligations to ever conitinue buying Thrive, so what harm is there in trying something for one single month???Getting relief from all nataural Thrive was a great option!! God had a plan and directed me to these girls and a brand new adventure. “He hears the cries of the broken.” Psalm 34:18.
On the very first day of taking Thrive I felt so much more alive and awake early in the morning. I felt like I taught my first English class with as much energy as I did my 7th English class at the end of the day! I had sustained energy all day long. Thus, my students were already the recipients of the benefits of Thrive! I had previously been drinking something from another company for energy, but I had to have three of those a day on long days; this Thrive energy surpassed that AND made an indescribable focus in my brain.
The aching in my back seemed less that first day. By day four, the back discomfort was basically gone. I went for a two mile jog! It was unbelievable! I began Thrive for my back, but realized that first week that I would never need to buy anything for energy again!
In addition, I have had digestive challenges and I realized that those were gone too! In three simple steps first thing in the morning I was taking care of every physical need I had! I am not ashamed to say that I dropped to my knees that night and thanked God for picking me up and far surpassing anything I had imagined as far as trying to feel better! But it only gets better! Track season started and I could get down in starting blocks and show teenagers how to do it correctly! But it only gets better!! I was excited to tell people about Thrive, and suddenly I had customers under me also buying Thrive! I have never sold anything in my entire life. I refused to even sell my kids’ fundraisers!! I used to buy them myself to keep from asking others to buy from us!
Once I had two customers buying under my name, my Thrive became free. Therefore, God not only helped me with the physical distress I was in, He gave me an avenue to help with the stress I had over finances. But it only gets better!! I became a promoter without even knowing what to do! People kept signing up and I figured I should get the commissions from that. Once track season was over, I began listening to Mauria’s calls, and went to the Le-Vel launch party and took notes and talked to other Thrivers and got serious.
Then, my team and I hit the 12K mark the very next month after that and have never faltered from hitting it. But it only gets better!! I decided to let that 12K auto bonus pay for me to drive a new Lexus! But it only gets better!! My very best friend asked me to marry him over the holidays, and although Le-Vel did not give me this great guy, Thrive helps me GIVE HIM a better me! My financial goal now is to pay off debts with my Thrive business for the six months before our wedding this summer so I can hand him a debt free bride!!
Consequently, as I look back from January to January, I can see the good that came from an aching back and hitting an all-time low. It was at that point that I trusted what God put right in front of my face and took action. What an amazing twelve month adventure with Le-Vel!
I am also happy to say that the large majority of my family Thrives with me, and my fiance is able to do things on his “football knees” that he was not able to do before Thrive. I will have many more Le-Vel anniversaries along with future wedding anniversaries.
So thankful!!  mikebrookss.le-vel.com/shop

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