Thursday, January 8, 2015

I am Jonathan Bautista, and this is my 5 month  Experience.
Before August 2014, I was sporting the latest in men-over-40 fashion; you know, the mid-section that a lot of men over 40 start to develop - A.K.A. the pot belly. Today, I no longer need to wear my shirts untucked and I am now able to confidently tuck them in and wear a belt. If it weren't for my morning daily Thrive ritual, I'd return to sporting my gut again.
My life transformation began on July 31st when I received and read the August issue of TIME magazine and an article called “Manopause,” in which it described exactly how I was feeling: “low energy, reduced strength and endurance, a diminished ability to excercise, and a decreased zest for life. Falling asleep after dinner as well as a constant questioning of values, accomplishments and future directions are also classic signs of aging. I had tried many supplements before, and no matter what I tried I continued to feel my youth slowly slipping away.
By sheer coincidence (or divine intervention, if you will), the following morning of August 1st, my wife gave me two capsules as I awoke. I lounged around in bed as I often would do, and then she brought me a shake and just told me to "drink it" and then put this DFT on me. Who knew that those few simple things would be what would be the beginning of my life changing for the better. I still don’t understand how this happened, but I consider her the angel that rescued me from aging quickly. Since we are fairly healthy eaters, I noticed the difference almost immediate and had this euphoric & amazing feeling of wanting to start becoming more active and making healthier choices for myself. We received our 30 day supply on August 10th and I then began a fairly consistent workout regimen that has helped me conquer things I thought were only attainable in my youth.
On September 13th I took my first actual jog in 29 years (I hadn't jogged since high school), and on November 29th (the day after my 47th birthday), I participated in my first 5k marathon and I placed 9th in my division. I am currently planning on running a 10k and then work myself up to my first full marathon (26.2 miles) - then tackle triathlons! The possibilities are endless, and if you asked me this time last year if I would be an avid runner, I would have just laughed. The only curls I was interested in doing at that time were 12 ounce curls.
I could go on & on about the all around benefits Thrive has bestowed upon me, personally, and my family as well, but the most important thing, I believe, is that it has allowed for more quality time within the family unit - and has made me a better father, husband, friend, employee - just all-around better person in general. When you feel amazing, everything just seems to fall into place, and I have not felt this good since I was in my 20s. So many of us have past regrets of not utilizing our youth more wisely, but with Thrive, I feel I've been given a second chance at returning to a younger age in body and soul, and getting a do-over. It has been like a fountain of youth for me.
If you haven't already started your Thrive Experience, do yourself a favor and discover the benefits of something that WILL positively impact your life! You owe it to yourself and (if you're fortunate like me to have one), your family to feel amazing in every aspect of your life.
Make 2015 the year you THRIVE in LIFE !!!!!!
Join now 100% FREE

Le-Vel's photo.

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