Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hi everyone, my name is Sharon and this is my Thrive experience.
A couple of months ago my friend Jess started posting on Facebook about how great she was feeling and how everyone needed to try this product called Thrive. Like most everyone else, I kept scrolling and didn’t think a whole lot about it. Well, Jess kept on posting and when she offered a sample I finally decided to bite!
After taking my 3 day trial I really liked the results of Thrive but decided not to invest. ...Within a couple of days I was regretting that decision. I was tired again and dragging myself out of bed so when Jess messaged me about giving it a go again, I could not say no.
Fast forward a month and I could not be happier that I finally said yes! Within 2 days I was no longer drinking coffee (well caffeinated coffee at least, I still like to drink my decaf coffee and almond milk)…I used to drink 1 ½ to 2 cups of coffee in the morning and most afternoons I would drink a cup of oolong tea as well to keep me going.
When I put my 2 very energetic kids down for a nap every day I would fight myself on taking a nap with them and at least a couple times a week I would give in. I am NOT a morning person, I would always drag myself out of bed at 7 then sit on the couch with an oversized cup of coffee and sip on that for 30 minutes before I was ready to function for the day.
Now I am wide awake as soon as my feet hit the ground at 6 am and most mornings I am awake before my alarm even goes off and I no longer consider taking a nap with the kids. I forgot to mention that my children do not believe in sleeping at night so I am up with them 2-3 times a night and before Thrive, when I was not up with them, I was dreaming all night long. Now I sleep soundly in between wake-ups and I am able to bounce out of bed in the morning.
Since I am now so alert in the morning, I am able to do my Bible study as soon as I wake up and I LOVE that. I always wanted that to be the first thing I did upon waking but I hardly ever did because my mind was so sluggish that I would get drowsy again while I was reading. Now I take my capsules as soon as I wake up, I do my Bible study for 30 minutes or so then I drink my shake and slap on the DFT. I am then set to go for the rest of the day! No coffee or tea needed, just my Thrive smile emoticon
I also have a major decrease in appetite and my cravings for sweets and carbs have gone down tremendously. My husband dubbed cheat day as “Fatboy Day” years ago when he started working out and living healthy and by the middle of every week I would be thinking about what we could have for Fatboy Day, now I don’t even care if we have it at all! I am more patient with my children, I am more focused for work, and I am more energized throughout the day.
I am a Thriver for life.

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