Thursday, December 11, 2014

My name is Tiah Herlitz .
18 days into my Thrive Experience, I am in awe when I look back to where I was before I was introduced to these life changing products.
I am a wife to an amazing Man, a Mommy to 3 little miracles ages 5, 2, and 10 months old, a photographer to fill my creative side and I also lead the children's ministry at my church. Let's just say I give A LOT of me all around.
Rewinding to my Pre-Thrive life,
I was dealing with headaches, lack of sound sleep, joint and back discomfort. I pushed through my days by chugging coffee. With the constant demanding needs of my 3 young boys and giving of myself in all areas of my life with little effort focused on bettering myself was quite an easy pit to fall into. This was taking a literal toll on my physical, mental and spiritual health.
One day I recognized my lack of overall health. Knowing who I desired to be and seeing the big picture of how not taking care of myself was affecting everything I love in my life was heartbreaking. I had a choice to make so that's when I started searching and praying for an answer.
I remembered seeing fb posts about the Thrive experience by my friend Natasha Roberson. I thought about trying the experience but honestly didn't want to spend the money on myself especially when there was no guarantee of it working for me. A day or so later I was gifted a 4 day experience trial. Those 4 days opened my eyes to what it felt like to be me again. I forgot how great living life could be until those 4 days. The 2 capsules upon waking, lifestyle mix shake within the hour after, and slapping in my DFT foam is a perfectly simple morning routine to help this busy momma function.
My trial ended and I was without Thrive for about a month. And boy did I notice right away. All my aches came back and I knew this Thrive was the real deal. I spent this time budgeting and saving up the money to incorporate the experience into our lives. With my supportive Hubby onboard we decided to purchase a couples pack and give it a go for a month to see where it takes us.
Now, Thriving with my Hubby for the past 18 days has been life changing for us. I now live with a genuine smile on my face. I have much less joint and back discomfort, no more headaches. I still have a lack of sound sleep due to my baby's sleeping habits, but with Thrive I start my day feeling rested enough and happy to start my day, this has been key for me. No more dreading early mornings, no more unhealthy coffee chugging for either of us. Seeing my man less stressed, and in less discomfort as well warms my heart. We are seeing the best in each other coming out everyday and that is helping to grow our marriage stronger. Seeing friends and family members now Thriving with us and experiencing similar results is humbling and exciting to be a part of.
Thank you Le-Vel for providing a product and system that works, for a rewards system that now provides our monthly Thrive for free for simply sharing our story and having at least 2 friends walking this journey to better health with us, and thank you most of all for giving me my life and Husband back.
When you find something that touches your life so drastically you can't help but to want to share it with everyone you know and love. If you relate to my story in any way give the Thrive experience an honest try and see what it can do for you!

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