Friday, December 5, 2014

My Name is Nikki Stricker and this is my Thrive Experience.
When I first started hearing about Thrive, I was annoyed at it filling up my newsfeed and thought it was the next “fad.” I wanted nothing to do with it. But I kept hearing about it and slowly became more intrigued and when a friend of mine told me she hit her car bonus in 6 weeks, I knew I had to hear about it. We met and she gave me a sample to try, but honestly, I was so impressed with the compensation plan I was r...eady to sign up. But I knew I needed to try it first. I took the product the next day, and within hours I could tell a difference! I signed up as a promoter that day and was on the phone with my family by noon! And I have not looked back!
I immediately felt an increase in my energy level but when I laid my girls down for their naps, I didn’t feel exhausted. And this was day 1! I wasn't hungry or rummaging through the cupboards looking for a snack that I wasn’t hungry for. Within the first week, I’d quit snacking, my digestive health was back on track, headaches had subsided, my energy level was through the roof, and I wake up in the mornings feeling rested.
Thrive really couldn’t have come at a better time for me because we had enrolled our daughter in preschool and all summer I was stressed out because I had no idea how I was going to get myself and 2 girls up and out the door before 8 am. I also had some emotional stress after my daughter was born in January. I didn’t actually feel like myself again until after Thrive. That cloud was finally lifted and now I am actually involved with my girls, not just present. No mother, or parent for that matter, wants to admit that they just sit and watch their kids play. And looking back, it kills me that I didn’t even have the energy to play with them, but I had accepted that that was my life. I was a tired mom just getting through the days.
But thanks to Thrive I have my life back and that is what this is all about! I love sharing my story and how amazing this product is. I want everyone to know what I know and not settle! We deserve so much more!
Little did I know that what I first thought was the newest fad would turn out to change not only my life, but my families as well!


Le-Vel's photo.

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