Tuesday, September 9, 2014

THIS story is very touching

My one week trial on Le-Vel Thrive
mikebrookss.Le-Vel.com/  #health #healthy #nutrition #diet #fitfam #fitness #FitMadeFun #LeVelTHRIVE

Over the past year and a half, I have been on a journey to become a healthier me. I've changed my diet, and in January of this year, I joined a gym. It has been a slow process but I am committed to the lifestyle changes I have made. The difference between my mother and I are that; while I have to work extremely hard to be fit and stay that way, my mother is naturally petite. One thing we both have in common and struggle with is energy levels. We work in hospitals and are very familiar with the struggles that come with the 12 hour shift work. When she called me raving about this new product line she was trying, I was intrigued. She offered me a one week trial and told me I would be hooked just like she was. I'll be honest, I'm a skeptic. I don't buy in to "miracle products." Any time I hear about these product lines, I usually do some research and come away with the decision not to even try them. After hearing my mom's results, (she lost 4 pounds in 3 days and felt more energy than she had in years.) I decided to do a little research and I committed to trying the product line for one week and told her I would write up a review. That was last Monday.

I have now completed one week starting each day with the Thrive capsules formulated for women followed by a Thrive lifestyle mix shake, and applied the Thrive DFT foam patch. It is worth noting that during my one week trial, I worked four of the seven nights (7pm-7am or 11pm-7am). Initially, I thought this was going to be strictly a weight loss program that kept my cravings at bay.  Somewhere along the way, I realized that this was much more than that. I had great energy levels every night that I worked. Anyone that works 12 hour shifts or any portion of night shifts knows, maintaining energy levels can sometimes be a struggle. My initial concern after reading the ingredients and reading what others were saying about their energy levels, was sleep. It would absolutely not be worth it to have amazing energy levels at work at the sacrifice of my (already limited in quality) sleep! Surprisingly, I slept like a baby during this week as well! I can't scientifically give you reasons this program could encourage such quality sleep, but I can tell you that I slept better than I do when I pop my melatonin as soon as I get home after a rough shift. I did lose 5 pounds over the week, but I also stuck to my healthy eating and went to the gym.

 I initially figured I would lose a few pounds and like the product but not enough to actually purchase, but because of the surprising effect it had on my mood and energy, I have decided to purchase and take the 8 week challenge. I, along with my mom Debbie, will continue to update this blog and keep you updated on our journey! Like I said above, I started this process thinking the Le-Vel Thrive program was a weight loss program. While it will help you fight food cravings and will give you the energy to hit the gym.....it is ultimately up to you to follow through! I have been working pretty hard to get to the point I am at as far as weight loss and fitness but I think the combination of the Thrive capsules, shakes, and DFT patches are going to give me that extra boost to get myself higher rewards for my hard work. Those results will just be an added bonus to the real reason I've chosen to continue the program; which is the effect it has had on my energy levels and mood at work as well as my sleep when I'm not at work.


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