Monday, September 15, 2014

Le-Vel THRIVE is changeing live's every day by HELPING others Live their best !!!
My name is Carri Noggle, and this is my Thrive Experience.

Today marks the end of my 3rd week on the Thrive products and I feel absolutely amazing! First, let me tell you that I am a fairly healthy person, I love to run and workout and I a fairly clean diet. I had been on another company’s nutrition and supplement system. I was experiencing aching knees and joints, but I wasn't getting any relief.

Also, I would drink their energy drink for a boost but only if I was on my way out the door to run or workout, or else I felt like I was coming out of my skin. Soooo, when my friend and co-worker was acting crazy (in a good way) at work and I asked her if she had been drinking (we are hairstylist, it's been known to happen in the past) and she says "NO, I'M THRIVING!" I said "OK, I'LL TRY IT!" (Yes, we are loud, I told you we are hairstylist) and being the very good friend that I am I signed up to be a promoter for her (without even asking for samples) so that she could get her bonus:)

So I ordered and waited very impatiently for my new product to come and was very excited to see it had arrived on Friday when got home. I took it first thing Saturday morning just as I was told to and I waited...and waited...and waited...and waited. Needless to say I was not a day oner. On day 6 I almost gave up and stopped taking the product because not only was I not "Thriving" all I wanted to do was sleep, which is very unlike me, but I told myself I would give it a couple more days and I would ask for advice at the local I was planning to go to that evening.

The ladies told me not to give up, that everyone's experience is different. All the testimonies I heard at the local that night really made me long for this product to work for me, not just for health benefits but because I realized this could be the way for me to make sure I was home every night to kiss my babies and to tuck them into bed instead of working until 9 or 10 at night. They are my “why”

I truly believe that The Lord knows my heart and that he put this opportunity in my path for a reason. So when we had our talk that night on the way home and I told Him that if this was the direction he wanted me to go then I needed a little sign or maybe a slap upside the head (because, according to my husband I can be a little stubborn sometimes). The morning of day 7 came and He gave what I asked for, and as I ran my 4 miles in the rain at a much faster pace than usual thanks to Thrive I couldn't help but smile.

My running has improved and my recovery from running and working out has been incredible. Also, I no longer have to walk around like an old lady after a long run due to sore, aching knees and hips. I have more patients, I sleep like a baby, and just feel all over healthier than I have in years, maybe ever. I have been able to hit my VIP $800 and $1600 and I am very close to hitting my mini IPad bonus as well. I am so thankful to God for this blessing and opportunity he has put into my life.

Thanks for reading my Thrive Experience! http://www.

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