Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Earth Wash is safe for you and the environment !!!!!!!

Earth Wash is safe for you and the environment. Have you been wondering how you could replace your toxic, chemical based household cleaners? Do you, or family members, have allergic reactions, breathing problems, or rashes, when cleaning your home using popular cleaning products or personal care products? Are you concerned about the increased use of toxic chemicals and the damage they cause to the environment? Well, your concerns are our concerns and we are pleased to announce the future in safe, non-toxic cleaning solutions has finally arrived: Earth Wash! Earth Wash is an eco-friendly, plant-based cleaning product. Not only does it make everyday household cleaning simple and safe, but it makes a wonderful shampoo, body wash, shaving foam, and pet shampoo. Also use Earth Wash in place of your favorite laundry detergent.
Earth Wash™ Earth Wash logo
Have you been wondering how you could replace your toxic, chemical based household cleaners? Do you, or family members, have allergic reactions, breathing problems, or rashes, when cleaning your home using popular cleaning products? Are you concerned about the increased use of toxic chemicals and the damage they cause to the environment? Well, your concerns are our concerns and we are pleased to announce the future in safe, non-toxic cleaning solutions has finally arrived….Earth Wash.
Earth Wash represents a 'life-changing' breakthrough in cleaning solutions. It is an amazing, non-toxic, multi-purpose cleaning product that is totally bio-degradable and safe for you and the environment. It is made from extracts of plant-based ingredients such as: coconut, corn, cactus, grains, herbs, grass, sugar cane, tree sap, potatoes, and other vegetables. It contains NO harmful toxic chemicals, bleach, citrus oils, or carcinogen-causing agents, and is 100% bio-degradable. It has no unpleasant odors, and is non-fuming. It is not only safe to use as a general purpose cleaning solution, it is great as a heavy duty degreaser, or oven cleaner, yet is also safe to use for personal hygiene. You can wash your hands, face, hair, or your entire body. Try it for shaving and you will throw away your current product. Earth Wash is safe enough to wipe a baby's bottom clean and helps to eliminate diaper rash at the same time.
Earth Wash is exciting news for anyone who has read the labels on the cleaning and hygiene products they are now using. Can you even pronounce most of the names of the ingredients? I know I can't. Would you feel safe using your current household cleaner to wash your face? Not likely.
Earth Wash works by first dissolving grease, grime, and food residues into smaller molecules. Then it surrounds those molecules with water, so they no longer adhere to the surface and can easily be wiped away. While Earth Wash is not classified as a disinfectant, it accomplishes the same goal by dissolving and removing the proteins that bacteria feed on. Without a food source, bacteria can't survive.
Earth Wash is so concentrated that only 2 oz. makes an entire gallon of multi-purpose cleaning solution. Add 2 oz. to 40 oz. of water, pour into a foaming dispenser, and you will have a luxurious hand and body cleanser. You won't believe how soft and silky your hands will feel. You may never use hand lotion again. It not only can be used in place of shampoo, it will thoroughly cleanse the scalp of oils and dried sebum to let hair follicles thrive. Customers have reported using it to get rid of head lice and safely removing fleas from pets, including baby kittens.
Safely use Earth Wash to remove spots from clothes and carpets, including pet stains. In most cases, it will remove odors too. Use it to easily clean paint brushes, clean oil spots from driveways and garage floors, as well as your greasy, grimy hands. Plus, it is a fabulous fruit and vegetable wash.   
Earth Wash foam helps your razor glide over your skin like it's covered in Teflon and reduces irritating friction, which helps to make razors last longer than normal. Women love to use Earth Wash for shaving legs and underarms, with reduced 'nicking'. Men also love to use it for shaving the face, as it not only reduces nicks; it also reduces, or eliminates razor-burn and unsightly bumps. Earth Wash makes men's beards soft.
Teens love to use it to deep clean facial pores and help reduce the incidence of acne, black heads, and other blemishes.
Bathing your pets with Earth Wash leaves their fur soft, lustrous, and clean smelling. It will not harm them even if they lick themselves. For cats, just spray on a wash cloth and wipe them clean. Earth Wash can even get rid of skunk odors, should your pet ever have that unfortunate encounter.
Earth Wash is truly a versatile product with an endless list of uses. Let your imagination run wild as you find more and more safe, non-toxic ways to use it as you replace chemical based alternatives.
General purpose cleaning: Start with 1 gallon of distilled, or reverse osmosis (R.O.) water. First remove 2 oz. of water and then pour in the 2 oz. bottle of Earth Wash. It is best to just leave the bottle turned upside down resting on the opening of the jug to fully drain into the gallon jug. Shake to mix and it̢۪s ready to use.
Tip: The reason for using distilled, or R.O. water is because tap water contains minerals and impurities, such as chemicals and chlorine. Earth Wash will surround those particles causing them to drop to the bottom of the container, resulting in a white residue on the bottom of the jug. Distilled and R.O. water is free of those particles. It is still okay to use tap water, as long as you don't mix the white residue into the Earth Wash you will be using to clean. Once you have made up your solution of Earth Wash with the proper water, it is okay to use tap water when adding that Earth Wash solution to more water for things such as carpet cleaning machines, or to a sink of dirty dishes.
Heavy grease, etc.: Start with 64 oz. (1/2 gal.) of distilled, or R.O. water. Pour in 2 oz. bottle of Earth Wash. Follow remaining instructions for general purpose cleaning.
Personal hygiene: Add 2 oz. Earth Wash to 40 oz. of distilled, or R.O. water.
For best results: Pour into a foaming dispenser which adds oxygen to make a luxurious foam.


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